ActiveAide is a manufacturer of Auto Injector Pouches & Epipen Holders and other aides for anaphylaxis sufferers Worldwide and new to our list. There are two things that we particularly like are the pouches that have a hook to attach to the outside of the backpack and the photo ID card.
Alexis is now in 3rd grade and has two medical bags; one large for the classroom that the teacher and other educational staff can access, and one small medical holder that she carries in her lunch bag that contains one Epipen and two individual liquid Benedryl pouches (they are tough to get out of the packaging so I open them ahead of time). The holder she carries now is meant to be placed on her waist but we have found that this gets in they way of her physical activities. The waist carrier would move around and annoy her not to mention look awkward with her clothing.
We plan to order the holder that clips to the backpack and will let you know how we like it.
You can review their site at
1 comment:
I found the best epipen carriers at They have one for the leg and few for the waist.
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