Spring Allergies are Coming! By Michele Fellows
Spring time is here and so is the time for seasonal allergies. As the sun starts to warm the skies and flowers and trees start to bloom so begins the annual ritual of sneezing and watery eyes. Now is the time to prepare and take precautions.
First of all, what causes spring time allergies? According to WebMD, the biggest spring allergy trigger is pollen - tiny grains released into the air by trees, grass and weeds to fertilize other plants. When someone who is allergic comes in contact with the allergen, their immune system goes into overdrive. The immune system mistakenly thinks the pollen is a dangerous foreign matter releasing antibodies in defense. The antibodies attack the allergens by releasing histamines into the blood. Histamines cause the nose to run, itchy watery eyes, etc. - symptoms of allergy.
How do you avoid it? Well my mother has always told me regardless of how much money you have or not, it costs nothing to be clean and keeping your environment clean is a great place to start. Here are a few additional suggestions to help you avoid the spring time sneeze:
· Clean, Clean, Clean. Start with the air filters, vents, bookshelves and other places pollens and dust may collect.
· Vacuum twice a week - wear a mask if necessary.
· Wash your hands, hair and face after outdoor activities. It is especially important to do this before bedtime as the allergens from your hair and face can easily transfer and remain in your sheets.
· Give your family pet a bath and wash their beds especially if they sleep indoors.
· Try to limit outdoor activities, especially during the morning hours when pollens are at their peak.
· Although it’s tempting, try to keep windows and doors closed to keep pollens and allergens out.
· Avoid windy days! Pollens can travel for miles so watch your local weather forecast for the daily pollen count.
· Another one of my mother’s favorites - hose down the patio. Giving your decks and patios a quick clean can keep the pollens out of your house.
· Check your local newspaper for coupons on allergy products and tissues. It’s time to stock up!
Although there are numerous over the counter antihistamines, allergy eye and nose drops that will help quell the spring time sniffles, please check with your local physician or allergist for proper treatment. Personally, I like to also talk with my local pharmacist, Joe, who knows the status on medications and can get you them at the best price.
In other allergy news, the first ever “THRIVE Allergy Expo - the only Allergy and Gluten Free Expo in North America” is coming to Chicago this fall. There will be special events and features that the entire family will enjoy. THRIVE activities will include free lung screenings, allergen and gluten free cooking classes, seminars including cutting edge information on Celiac detection from the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center, exhibitor demonstrations, product sampling of allergen free foods and much more.
The Thrive Allergy Expo will be held the weekend of April 18-19th, 2009 at Chicago’s McCormick Place. Please check their website at
www.thriveallergyexpo.com for more information.